We are pleased to announce final details of our upcoming user conference as well as our first public training course. Both will be held at the Hotel Sorella in West Houston. Dates are: Sunday February 16th for the conference and the training starts at noon on Tuesday February 18th.

Choose one or both:


The FREE* Conference starts with a reception on the evening of Sunday February 16th and ends at lunchtime on Tuesday 18th. This is your chance to preview upcoming features, let us know what additional features you would like to see, and to exchange views with other users. Register below.

* NOTE: The conference is free to registered users of Full Monte with current maintenance. If you are not on maintenance and would like to attend the cost is $400, please email Adrienne Smith for more information asmith@barbecana.com

*PMI Members, can earn points for attending our conference! Please contact Adrienne Smith for more information.

Full Monte Training Course

The Full Monte Training Course starts after lunch on Tuesday 18th and proceeds through the whole of Wednesday 19th. There is limited space on this, and the fee is $750.


If you have any questions on the conference and/or training, please contact us info@barbecana.com.

Conference and/or Training Registration

Yes I want to attend


Sunday February 16, 2014 at 6:00 PM CST
Wednesday February 19, 2014 at 5:00 PM CST

Distinguished Speakers

Angelo J. Arcoleo, PMP

Title: Heuristic Schedule Modeling Using Full Monte How to Set Better Limits Based on Actual Performance.

All too often we set general limits to schedule tasks when preparing for a Monte Carlo Analysis. Even when complex teams are working on difficult projects a global edit may not be the best option. In this presentation we will discuss how …More >

Bill Flanagan, MBA, PE, PMI-RMP, PMP

Title: Justified Optimism

Forty years of experience of managing projects and Project Management Offices has taught me that Project Managers and their teams are an optimistic lot. Who else would keep coming back to work unique endeavors with tight …More >

Warren Fitch, MBA, PMP

Title: My end milestone does not make sense; how to assess and repair an unhealthy IMS

The Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) provides the framework for planning, time-phasing, and coordinating all project efforts into a program master plan. A well-developed IMS will …More >

Mark Wells PMP, MCTS

Title: Full Monte and Schedule Inspector in the Government Contracting Industry

Every project manager wants to build a great schedule. One that is solid structurally and with an excellent chance to be completed on time and within budget. Two products from Barbecana software assist in these efforts …More >

Kevin Wysocki, PMP and
Aubrey Beck, CAPM

Title: Full Monte’s Complement to Risk Based Planning Plus

Risk Based Planning Plus™ (RPB+) is a Praxis project planning methodology that uses the Full Monte software to perform Monte Carlo simulations and evaluate project assumptions. RPB+ methodology combines the power …More >

Ian Koenig, PMP

Title: How to respond effectively to risks and opportunities

  • Identifying risks and opportunities and how to structure them in a meaningful way
  • Understanding the difference between a risk and an issue
  • When to use risk tools
  • Risk Log versus Risk Register
  • Practical tips
  • What is out there to help you …More >

Full Monte Training Course Outline

Starts after lunch on Tuesday 18th…


  • Uncertainty vs. Risk.
  • The nature of Uncertainty.
  • How we Measure Uncertainty.
  • Subjective Probability Estimates (exercises in estimating).

Optimism in Deterministic Project Schedules

  • The “Flaw of Averages.”
  • Merge Bias.
  • Why PERT is wrong.
  • The Solution; Monte Carlo Simulation.

Using Full Monte I

  • Data Entry.
  • Running Simulation.
  • Standard Reports.
  • Choice of Distribution Type.

Using Full Monte II

  • Correlations.
  • Sensitivity Analysis.

Using Full Monte III

  • Branching.

Using Full Monte IV

  • Making Sense of the Results.
  • Custom Reports.


You are responsible for your own flight arrangements to and from the event, as well as for your airport transfers to and from your hotel destination. There are two commericial airports for Houston, George Bush Intercontiental Airport (IAH), which is approximately 28 miles from the Hotel Sorella, and William P. Hobby Airport (HOU), which is approximately 25 miles from the venue.

Hotel Sorella
800 Sorella Ct
Houston, Texas 77024

We have reserved a block of rooms at the heavily discounted price of $199 per night. These will be released on 1/31/14, so book soon. Go to the hotel website (above) or call toll free 866.842.0100 and quote booking code 1402BARBEC.